The recreation of the Texas Capital Building located in Antiquity Texas is a masterful build and well worth a visit just to see it.  If you look real close you can see me standing on the front the steps.  This gives you an indication of the scale of this amazing building.


But what should make Second Life fashionistas all the more interested is what’s hidden within.  Upon arriving at the sim, walk over or teleport to the capital building and enter the main door.  Once inside, continnue straight ahead to the rotunda then turn down the east wing to find the treasure.  What you will see is finely crafted jewelry by one of the principles of Antiquity Texas, Jacon Cortes. 


Most of the jewelry, which is finely crafted and very detailed, is sold in the east wing of the Texas Capital building.  Pictured above is the latest set called the Eye of Ra.  This set of red diamonds and platinum includes the necklace, earrings, bracelet and ring shown.  All the jewelryis made of individual tiny prims as all high quality jewelry is and the textures and colors are all very realistic.
